Why Support Scott Murray Scholarship Fund?

Scott Murray Scholarship Fund provides grants to vocational, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, and background to support students in our North Texas community.

Scholarships lessen the impact of tuition costs.

The cost of a higher education continues to rise. Scholarships give access to higher education for students of all income levels.

Scholarships teach students about philanthropy.

Studies show that as scholarship recipients, students become philanthropic themselves and give back when they are financially able.

Scholarships contribute to a smarter community.

Benefits of higher education go beyond financial wins. In addition to more gainful employment, graduates are more likely to be active citizens, lead healthier lifestyles, spend more time with their kids, and give back to the community. Scholarships can help a student achieve successes in life and lead to a smarter, stronger North Texas community.

Scholarships assist multiple generations.

Higher education isn’t a one-size-fits-all experience. For some, it means attending a community college right after high school. For others, it means returning to school after a hiatus, balancing family and job obligations outside of the classroom. The beauty of a scholarship is that it benefits students where and when they need help most.

Why Give to Scott Murray Scholarship Fund?

Scott Murray Scholarship Fund provides grants to vocational, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, and background to support students in our North Texas community.

Scholarships reduce the number and amount of student loan debt.

Tuition is on the rise nation-wide. This means student loans continues to climb, too. Statistics show 47.2% of college students in Texas now graduate with debt. Student loan debt can negatively impact a student’s life years after school. By graduating with less debt, more students can start and finish their degree.

Scholarships assist students along life’s events.

Higher education isn’t a one-size-fits-all experience. For some, it means attending a community college right after high school. For others, it means returning to school after a hiatus, balancing family and job obligations outside of the classroom. The beauty of a scholarship is that it benefits students where and when they need help most.

Scholarships benefit our society.

Statistics show four-year college graduates pay, on average, 78% more in taxes each year than higher school graduates, thanks to their higher earnings and greater workforce participation. College grads are also shown to be healthier, due to exercising more, smoking less, and having lower obesity rates. The report says, “These differences not only affect the lifestyles and life expectancies of individuals, but also reduce medical costs for society as a whole.”

Scholarships help all economic levels.

The U.S. Department of Education has long been focused on financial aid for low-income students. Many forms of financial aid require students to be Pell Grant eligible to apply. This leaves students from middle class homes, who do not qualify for financial aid, without many options for financial assistance. Our scholarships support students from all economic backgrounds, and can fill in the gap between high- and low-income levels.

Give students a chance at a brighter future.

There are many reasons to donate to Scott Murray Scholarship Fund. A scholarship can immediately impact students, giving them a chance, or a second chance, to pursue their education. The effects of that gift—investing in our future leaders—last a lifetime.

Why Support Scott Murray Scholarship Fund?

Scott Murray Scholarship Fund provides grants to vocational, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, and background to support students in our North Texas community.

Scholarships lessen the impact of tuition costs.

The cost of a higher education continues to rise. A scholarship can immediately impact students, giving them a chance, or a second chance, to pursue their education.

Scholarships provide tax credits to donors.

When individuals or corporations make a redirected tax payment to a tax credit scholarship foundation, they may receive up to a 100 percent tax credit for every dollar they redirect.

Scholarships reduce the student dropout rate.

The primary reason students cite for dropping out of college is the need to work long hours while attending school. All of the costs that go along with tuition and fees: transportation, textbooks, room and board, a meal plan and more, require more than many families can afford. Rather than taking on the stress of working long hours to stay in school, a scholarship could be the solution to keeping a student on the path to graduation.

Scholarships help students at all economic levels.

The U.S. Department of Education has long been focused on financial aid, both loans and grants, for low-income students. Many forms of financial aid require students to be Pell Grant eligible to apply. This leaves students from middle class homes, who do not qualify for financial aid, without many options for financial assistance. Our scholarships support students from all economic backgrounds, and can fill in the gap between high- and low-income levels.

Give students a chance at a brighter future.

When students are awarded an educational scholarship from Scott Murray Scholarship Fund, they are given a fair shot at success. The investment could mean that your gift changes a student’s life and a community’s well-being in innumerable ways.

Why Donate to Scott Murray Scholarship Fund?

Scott Murray Scholarship Fund provides grants to vocational, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, and background to support students in our North Texas community.

Scholarships reduce student loan debt.

Tuition is on the rise nation-wide. This means student loans continues to climb, too. Statistics show 47.2% of college students in Texas now graduate with debt. Student loan debt can negatively impact a student’s life years after school. By graduating with less debt, more students can start and finish their degree.

Scholarships provide educational attainment.

The U.S. Census Bureau statistics show that a college education opens the door to many opportunities that would not otherwise be available to most individuals. Earning a higher education degree or technical school certificate leads to higher earnings, lower unemployment rates, a wider range of career opportunities, and sharper differences in civic participation.

Scholarships benefit our society.

Statistics show four-year college graduates pay, on average, 78% more in taxes each year than higher school graduates, thanks to their higher earnings and greater workforce participation. College grads are also shown to be healthier, due to exercising more, smoking less, and having lower obesity rates. The report says, “These differences not only affect the lifestyles and life expectancies of individuals, but also reduce medical costs for society as a whole.”

Scholarships help donors, too.

Many donate to scholarships because “it is the right thing to do,” but there’s more to it. A study conducted at the Harvard Business School showed that “those who reported spending more on others also reported a greater level of happiness, while how much they spent on themselves had no impact on happiness.” This means you don’t need to be wealthy, giving thousands of dollars to charity, to experience the benefits of donating. Any level of spending on someone else can lead to demonstrable increases in your own level of happiness.

Give students a chance at a brighter future.

Contributing to the future success of a student has many benefits far beyond your initial contribution. Your gift can change a student’s life and a community’s well-being in innumerable ways. And that—from a donor’s perspective—is priceless.

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